Friday, 10 December 2010

International Human Rights Day

Today is International Human Rights Day

For me this means teamwork. Life isn't a competition. It isn't about the survival of the fittest. It's about all of us: weak and strong. Shoulder to shoulder. Living Together.

Speaking and being Heard.
Listening and Empathising.
Going forwards through Education, Information, Understanding and Choice.

I'm not a politician. I'm an average approachable human being that bobs along on the fringe observing - and who likes people. I do. In all shapes and sizes. I like manners too. And humour.

I also need space for silence and reflection. Dignity and respect. Safety and a place to thrive. And be Me.

Looking at the bigger picture of life, aged 46: knowing birth, a life span and death - As I see (I think blindingly) what matters to me: inclusion, listening, information, education - I wonder - hey, what matters to you? In the bigger picture?

It's all about having a voice. And being heard. Isn't it?

Here's to Freedom. Here's to Living the Life we're all Entitled to. Here's to Us...


Electro-Kevin said...

Happy Christmas, MD.

I hope you're OK.


merry weather said...

Happy Christmas to you too E -K. Hope you have a great one!

I'm good. Older, better faster, stronger.
Well, ok, just - older. *Grin* X

I Beatrice said...

Thinking of you especially this Christmas, Kate. I know you will make a merry one of it for your boys - here's hoping there will be some joy in it for you too. XX

merry weather said...

Thank you Gill -
The boys are my heroes.
Very best wishes to you and yours too XX


Happy New Year Kate. XOXOXO

Ms Smack said...

Hey Kate,

I hope your Christmas was relaxing and fun with your boys.

Ours was lovely, lots of gifts, and naps - perfect.

I smiled at Rob recently whilst re-reading some archives and seeing his beautifully thoughtful, kind and funny comments. He was in my thoughts this festive season, as were you.

Take care

merry weather said...

A very Happy New Year to you too fabulously spiky Uber!

Hugs back X

merry weather said...

And a very Happy New Year to you too Cath. I'm glad your Christmas went well. And naps - naps are great!

It's lovely that Rob remains in your thoughts and for such good reasons. He'd adore that wouldn't he :-) And it's also sad that it's "thoughts" only these days.

Hey -

Kate X