Sunday, 5 October 2008

Reasons To Be Cheerful!

Ian Dury. A man for all seasons - cheeky, clever, gifted. The world's a poorer place without him. I've been listening to his music again lately. And again! It doesn't date, quite brilliant.

I haven't blogged for a while - real life can get in the way of blogging don't you find? In a good way though. I'm a darn sight more cheerful than I was last October. My mid-life crisis, useful in many ways, has done it's job and is now mentally filed under "completed" in my head. I have emerged from it feeling - younger! Happier! Well, I lie, not counting my knees... my knees are not speaking to me at the moment. They creak horribly... and ache sometimes, a bit. It's working outdoors that does it. Still, I'm hopeful they'll come up to speed with the rest of me early in the New Year... It's that or surgery!!

(I exaggerate Mum... Really!)

Things that make me cheerful now include:
  • the Indian Summer we just had
  • Working hard and earning real Cash
  • my Kids - growing up stronger, getting on together, playing chess and poker (thanks Mum!)
  • Being myself - independent, confident...
  • my beloved Van
  • Having 200% more energy than 10 years ago *
  • Friends - who make me laugh and more besides...

And so on, so forth. Carpe Diem!

* By the way, Merry Weather is powered by Cadbury's Crunchie bars most days... Hey, I wonder if they'd sponsor me?


Iota said...

I love that list and I felt driven to set it to Ian Dury's classic. Like this:

Kids getting on together
Belated summer weather
I'm earning real cash now and I've got a VAN
Confidence in me
Double energee
If my friends don't cheer me up, a crunchie always can.

Not quite as good as Hammersmith Pally the Bolshoi Bally, but I thought you'd like it.

Swearing Mother said...

Nice one Merry! Glad to hear you're OK.

Mean Mom said...

I need your tips for more energy! The weather last weekend was great, wasn't it? Glad that you're OK.

merry weather said...

You are so right, I love it Iota - Brilliant!!

I have always been partial to your abracadabra with words...

merry weather said...

Hi Jane - you're still here too!

merry weather said...

Mean Mom, hello :).

Well, my energy comes from swimming, chocolate and a kind of blatant disregard for worries. If it's not a serious thing (by which I mean someone else is in a bad way) I just press on/bounce ahead. Which sounds trite - but is really a big change in me.

merry weather said...


Thank you for your prompt email entitled "Knee pads"... Just the smallest thought of it makes me chortle...


Sandi McBride said...

I am so glad to see you back. I had dispaired for you! I know all about those creaky knees by cracky...literally, by cracky! I'm in the midst of a flare up with my RA that started today has been pretty much hell...but the alternative is worse lol! Hope you are feeling fantastic and up to par very soon!

Catherine said...

Lots of reasons to be cheerful Merry. Glad things have eased for you since last year and life is more comfortable. Keep on crunching.

Maggie May said...

So will I get more energy if I chomp on these chocolates?
I think my knees would have the extra strain of more weight!
Glad to see you back!

merry weather said...

Sandi I'm really sorry to hear RA's back. This must be a rough time for you. Thanks for visiting - Hugs

Marianne, hi! Thank you. I have a half-eaten crunchie that I had to abandon while chatting to a skinny friend just now!

Hello Maggie, erm, good point :)

Penny Pincher said...

Lovely to hear from you again merry = lovely post ... sorry about the knees - I blame gardening myself - I think it's a female gardener's lot. Speaking from experience it's usually over tight thigh muscles that are to blame ... try a self massage - probe going up the outside of the thighs digging deep till you feel a sore spot then concentrate on it for 10 minutes every day ...or better still use some of the cash to treat yourself to a sports massage... ouch but you know it'll do you good. ..

merry weather said...

Lovely to see you too LT :)

Very good advice! I shall probe forthwith... A sports massage sounds like bliss! Trust you to know the answer...

Penny Pincher said...

I know - I is a know all!

Promise to email you when next I visit relatives to see if we can connect up for a coffee ...

merry weather said...

Splendid LT!! Looking forward :)

Iota said...

I dropped you off my blogroll, when you were taking a break. I've just put you back on. So don't you dare stop again.

merry weather said...

I am not daring!!
