Sunday, 30 March 2008

Spring and the Impulsive Snail Moves On

I am a hopeless blogger - a self-confessed snail, but a good reader. I shall post something cheerful when spring is sprung a bit more. Alas, it'll snow now, probably...


laurie said...

...spring is here, and we all emerge from our shells....

merry weather said...

Hi Laurie, it's a hazardous thing - spring - for snails like me!

I Beatrice said...

That's one jolly-looking snail, Merry! If mine smiled at me like that, perhaps I wouldn't be so quick to murder them.

I never did see the point of snails. Save for amusing children and adorning blog-entries that is..
I guess there must be one (a point that is), but for the life of me I've never been able to discover what it is.

Good to see you back here though.

Mean Mom said...

Lovely photo' of the crocuses. That's what they look like to me, anyway. I fill my garden borders to overflowing, so that it's not possible to notice the snails impact. I never plant marigolds, however, as I have learnt from my mistakes. Snails favourite food!

Penny Pincher said...

Beautiful crocuses. Alas I have none left - the squirrels ate them all. I intend to try and plant some more later this year and will blanket them with a protective layer of with chicken wire before I replace the turf.

Nice to hear from you again - and you're right - snow forecast for the weekend!

Maggie May said...

A tiny post but a lovely one!
Beautiful crocuses ....... they do seem to have a habit of disappearing though! We must get back to our de slugging soon!

merry weather said...

Likewise Bea!

Yes, snails are destructive pests but perhaps I can defend them a little - they do keep undergrowth slightly in check and make great bird food. There's something endearing about them also - waving their antlers, leaving a slow silver trail and shrinking back into their shells. Not all bad?

Slugs however are indefensible I think. As are wasps!

Hope your back's feeling better? And the book's progressing?

Hi MM - I'm fairly sure they are crocuses, just loved the colours! Actually I was thinking about marigolds this year - remember planting those as a kid - I am forewarned!

Hello Lady T, Snow? really? - Extraordinary! Chicken wire sounds clever - shall have to remember these useful tips you offer :)

Hello Maggie - thanks. Nice to see you again. (Does de-slugging mean pellets or plastic bag?)

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Ha, a small tidbit from you but a welcome one nevertheless. Yup, we have been trying to cut our grass for three days and today the weather forecast is for snow when yesterday it was sunny here!

Global warming eh?

merry weather said...

Hello MOB, I know - snow - Unbelievable! Come and see you shortly :)